Promoting a culture of charitable work in advocacy and education


  • Alia Bint Ali Bin Bakr Felimban Umm Al-Qura University - College of Da`wah and Fundamentals of Religion


charitable work, advocacy, education


Charity is defined as the efforts that are exerted by an individual or a group of people to enrich cooperation, integrity and coordination among people in the same community. The efforts they exert are free with no returns expected from people as they only seek Allah’s reward.

Islam has founded charity in various fields dictated in the Holy Quran and prophetic hadiths, which reflects the importance of charity in general and in my field in particular, which is the Call for Allah and Education as these both are ones of the most rewarding field for Muslims to practice charity.

Thus, it is important to spread the culture of charity in these two fields and to support it variously to sustain and increase it widely through praise, encouragement, recommendation, and reminding people how rewarding it is in the hereafter as one of the supportive ways.

Charity fields that to be enrooted in children throughout their primary study stages are numerous such as family, education, health and environment in terms of their importance and community’s needs.

A mechanism to support charity on various levels has been suggested as follows on:

Students’ level: to be prepared practically for charity through applied syllabi to train them to propagate and coordinate charity programs via the Internet, modern technologies and up to date means. Special classes should be assigned for training and practice or be integrated in the extra-curriculum program.

Teachers’ level: to form a committee of competent teachers to choose talented students in various fields to get them developed and able to use their talents to perform charity and voluntary works.

Syllabi level: to write a new academic subject for qualifying and preparing students for field charity or to integrate some classes or lessons into the syllabus to teach charity in theory and practice and to encourage and support charity work.

Educational environment: to activate cultural competitions on charity works, incentive prizes and rewards for charity initiators .

مجلة أبحاث العددالثالث عشر




