The hadith of Jabara bin Al-Maghalis in Sunan Ibn Majah Study and achieve
Hadith, Jabara, Ibn MajahAbstract
The research deals with the study of the hadiths of one of the old Imams of Imam Ibn Majah, who is (Jbara bin Al-Maghalis), which showed that the fair saying in it is weak hadith, and that it came from poor memorization and negligence, and that he does not deliberately lie, despite what he had of righteousness, piety and piety.
By following and extrapolating the Sunan of Ibn Majah, the researcher found that the number of hadiths that Ibn Majah brought out through the path of his sheikh Jabara bin al-Maghalis (twenty-three) are as follows:
(Five) hadiths with three chains of isnad, all from Jabara bin Al-Maghales, on the authority of Kathir bin Salim, on the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, and (nine) hadiths with four chains of isnad, and (eight) hadiths of five isnad, and one hexagonal hadith.
The researcher studied the chains of transmission of these hadiths in brief, with the study of the evidence and the follow-ups in order to conclude the final result in judging the hadith, and it appeared through the research that the hadiths of Jabara bin Al-Maghas were shared by others and followed by them, so they rose to the point of acceptance, and they reached (16) hadiths, and that among them As long as he did not follow it or did not benefit him, others followed him due to the severity of the weakness of the follower, and it reached (7) hadiths.
In the folds of the research is a statement of the strange hadith, if any, and simple references to some of the jurisprudence of the hadith and its benefits.

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