The Dialogue in the Poetry of Ibn Al-'Abbar Al-'Andalusi


  • Dr. Saleh Bin Salem Bin Ahmed Al-Harthy أستاذ الأدب والنقد المساعد - قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها جامعة نجران- كلية العلوم والآداب في نجران
  • Dr. 'Abdul-Fattah Isma'eel 'Abdullah Ahmed


The dialogue, the other, the self, Ibn Al-'Abbar Al-'Andalusi


This research aims to uncover the features of dialogue and its role in constructing the poetic text, as it has psychological and aesthetic dimensions and connotations through which the poet reveals his experience and vision of life and people, as well as his creative ability to formulate expressions, scenes, and artifacts in terms and indications despite the relative shortness of these discourse sections that are full of stylistic and expressive density. To highlight that, the study adopted the historical psychological approach. The research consisted of an introduction, a prologue, and three chapters, namely: the poet’s dialogue with the other, the poet’s dialogue with himself, and the poet’s dialogue with the place.

The research concluded that the dialogue in the poetry of Ibn Al-'Abbar Al-'Andalusi had played its role in the structure of the poetic text, as it involved various objective contexts such as praise, sympathy, congratulation, flattering, longing, nostalgia and remembrance. In each context, it performed a semantic function that helped reveal the poet’s experience and vision of life and people. The researcher, through the technique of dialogue, came to the conclusion that the poet was compelled in many aspects of his life – especially during his stay in the Hafsid court – to defer to fawn and manipulating others and appealing to them again and again, in order to lead a decent and safe life, and to achieve his objectives.

العدد الرابع و العشرون




