Al-Durr Al-Nadhid in the provisions of imitation By the scholar Mohammad bin Ziyad al-Wadahi - May Allah Have Mercy on Him - (Died 1135 AH) - A Study and Verification


  • Alhmad Associate Professor of Foundations of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies, King Faisal University - Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia


Ad-Durr Al-Naqid, Al-Wada'i, Taqlid, Ijtihad, Usul Al-Fiqh


The research aims to study and verify the book "Al-Durr Al-Nadheed fi Ahkam Al-Taqleed by the Scholar Mohammad bin Ziyad Al-Wadhahi Al-Sha'rabi. The study includes an introduction, two main chapters and a conclusion. The introduction covers the importance of the topic, the reasons for selecting it, the research objectives, previous studies, the outline of the plan, and the research methodology. I divided it into two parts – the study aspect dealing with the author's biography, and the verification aspect explaining the procedures followed in verifying the text.

The first chapter in the study part provides details about the author, including his name, lineage, upbringing, scholarly status, and published works.

The second chapter in the verification part describes the manuscript and presents the edited text.

The conclusion highlights the key findings, such as the requirement of intention in addition to verbal imitation for valid emulation, the permissibility of imitating a deceased scholar, and the allowance of transitioning between legal schools. The recommendations urge researchers to give more attention to Al-Wadhahi's other works, many of which remain in manuscript form and need to be studied and verified.

