Suspicions of Contemporaries about the Status of Work in Faith and its Requirements – a Critical Study


  • Almsaaody أستاذ مساعد بقسم الدراسات الإسلامية كلية التربية جامعة الأمير سطام بن عبدالعزيز بالخرج المملكة العربية السعودية



suspicions, contemporaries, work, faith


The aim of this research is to explain some of the beliefs of the Murji’ah in contemporary studies in which faith is limited to heartfelt belief only, taking the work out of it as if it is not part of it, whereas it is actually a condition for its perfection.

This research relied on the analytical approach by collecting their sayings, classifying them and identifying the flaws therein. Then it adopted the critical approach by looking at their deviant inferences and generating the correct meanings, along with what the nature of this research requires of relying on authentic resources of beliefs and sects and presenting the sayings of the predecessors in this topic to criticize their opinions and reply to their suspicions and refute them.

The research reached several result, the most notable of which are:   that it is of greatest danger of Alarja'a in ancient and modern times to solicit  people to leave work and be sluggish in performing obedience and acts worship. This leads to many disobedience, under the pretext that faith is in the heart. Moreover, the deviations in which these contemporary studies fell were due to the approach flaw represented in inferring and protesting that whoever strays in this matter with being warned from Alarja'a is not described as Murji; rather, he/she is said to agree with them in that, or that he/she is deceived by the suspicion of Alarja.

