Solving the Problems With the Narration of Mujāhid on the Interpretation of ‘Al-Maqām Al-Maḥmūd’: An Analytical Study of the Most Significant Critiques of the Ahlus Sunnah and Jamā’ah on the Narration of Mujāhid


  • Alnaamy أستاذ العقيدة المساعد بكلية الدعوة وأصول الدِّين بجامعة أم القرى بمكة المكرَّمة المملكة العربية السعودية



Al-Maqam Al-Mahmud, God's seating the Prophet –peace and blessing be upon him- with Him on the ‘Arsh, the narration of Mujāhid


This paper aims at clarifying the problems related to Mujāhid’s interpretation of ‘Al-Maqām Al-Maḥmūd’ as: (God's seating his Prophet –peace and blessing- with Him on the Throne) and solving them, limited to the problems observed by the people of Sunnah only.

Some of these problems are related to authenticity, while some are related to connotation; Hence, solving these two kinds of problems shall be the cynosure of this study, adopting in it an approach of induction, analysis and criticism.

The most significant findings of the paper include: Debunking the claim of the historically forming of an opinion that support the narration of Mujāhid, and that it was specific to the era of rejection of the narration by the Jahmiyyah, and that supporting it was originally for its emphatic connotation for confirming the Highness of Almighty Allah and His Establishment above the Throne, because such is to vex the Jahmiyyah's position of rejecting the Devine Attributes.

Among the proofs for the invalidity of this claim is the succession of the scholars of different eras in defence of the narration of Mujāhid, and the confirmation of its original connotation (= the assertion of the virtue of the Prophet –peace and blessing be upon him-) and the emphatic connotation (= the confirmation of the Divine Attribute).

