The Relation between Apostasy and Loyalty to Allah's Enemies from Jews and Christians in Light of the Verses of the Holy Qur'an


  • Soylh أستاذ مساعد، قسم الدراسات الإسلامية، كلية الآداب، جامعة تعز، الجمهورية اليمنية
  • Mohammed باحث ، جامعة إب، الجمهورية اليمنية



Apostasy, Loyalty to the Enemies of Allah, Jews, Christians, The Holy Qur’an


The research aims to define the concepts of apostasy and loyalty, show the relationship between apostasy and loyalty to the enemies of Allah from Jews, Christians and others, and to clarify the sound legal view of how to deal with them. The inductive research approach is used in collecting the Qur’anic texts related to apostasy and the texts related to loyalty to the enemies of Allah, as well as the analytical approach in discussing the opinions of the interpreters, to determine the relationship between the apostate and those who are loyal to the enemies from Jews, Christians and others. The nature of the research required it to consist of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The introduction includes the importance of the topic, the objectives of the research, previous studies, the research methodology and structure. The first chapter explains the concepts of apostasy and loyalty, the Qur'anic use of them, and the related terms. The second chapter explains the relationship between apostasy and loyalty (the common aspects between them and their causes, the legal characteristic in dealing with the enemies of Allah from Jews and Christians). The third chapter clarifies the consequences of loyalty to the enemies of Allah in this world and the thereafter. The conclusion contains the results. The most important results are: apostasy from Islam occurs in several aspects: loyalty to the enemies from Jews and Christians, obedience to them, support for them, and satisfaction with their actions are the most important aspects. The main reason for the infidels’ envy of Muslims is their keenness to mislead and tempt them. The relationship between apostasy and loyalty to the enemies from Jews and Christians and others is a clear relationship and those who justify the rulers’ normalization with the fighting-enemies are alien and guilty as apostasy has negative and disastrous effects on the nation. Through apostasy, the enemies gain control over the land and honor of the Muslims, plunder their goods and wealth, kill people and spread corruption on earth.

