The Expansion of Meaning in the Holy Qur'an for the Rhetoricians, a Study in its Mechanisms and Aesthetic Manifestation


  • Zohra أستاذ مشارك البلاغة، جامعة عبد الحميد بن باديس، مستغانم، الجزائر
  • د. بدر ربيعان الرشيدي أستاذ مساعد البلاغة، جامعة طيبة، كلية العلوم والآداب، المدينة المنوّرة المملكة العربية السعودية



The Holy Quran, rhetoricians, expansion, semantic multiplicity, rhetoric Sciences


The research revolves around rhetorical expansion and its role in the multiplicity of meaning in the Holy Quran, by showing its operative mechanisms, including: metaphor, simile, metonymy, analogy, representation. On the cusp of this discussion comes the approach to search for an answer to: how did the mechanisms of rhetorical breadth work in the body of the Quranic text? This is represented in the descriptive approach. And what are the results of this rhetorical work? In order to investigate this problem, a research plan will be employed that reveals the mechanisms of expansion, its signs, and the indications that achieve it. The study hopes to reach results showing the role of the mechanisms of expansion, its signs and indications in producing denotation.

