The Effect of Narcissism on the Personality of the Preacher A Preaching Inductive Analytical Study


  • Dr. Abdulrahman bin Saif Ali Al-Harthy الأستاذ المشارك بقسم الثقافة الإسلامية بكلية الشريعة وأصول الدين بجامعة نجران المملكة العربية السعودية



Narcissism, Effect, Personality, Preacher


The research: Narcissism in the personality of the preacher, an inductive and analytical study, aims to study the psychology of the narcissistic preacher in an applied and inductive manner. It began by defining the narcissistic personality, and its focus on self-admiration, a sense of greatness and excessive entitlement, as well as the consequences that follow from that. Then it ensued to define the preacher to God, and then proceeded to explain the manifestations of narcissism in general.

The research then began to study the behavior of the preaching personality with the invitees. Then it searched for a way of treatment and salvage from narcissism and its manifestations. Then the research employed what behavioral scientists wrote in this section, such as the treatment of arrogance, the treatment of hypocrisy, the treatment of envy, and the treatment of vanity, until it came to the conclusion of the research. One of the most prominent recommendations of the research was: completing the in-depth study of the manifestations of narcissism that enters the hearts of those calling to God in the name of religion, and results in a lot of corruption.

