Explanation of 'Abdullah bin Ali Suwaidan Al-Damaligy Al-Shafi'i (d: 1234h) to the Poem "Shawqi Wajismi Mu'adhdhalun Wasaheeh" of 'Abdullah [Known as Al-Qadhi Al-Sa'eedy Al-'Adawy Al-Maliki] (d: 1258h)

Study and Verification


  • Dr. Abrar bint Fahd bin Mohammed Al-Qasim Assistant Professor at the Islamic Dept., Shaqra University (Saudi Arabia)


Hadith Sciences, Narration, Manuscript, Composition, Explanation


This is Ibn Suwaidan's explanation of the poem of "Shawqi Wajismi Mu'dhdhalun Wasaheeh" of 'Abdullah Al-Qadhi, who is one of the 13th Century scholars, that I present to the researchers and specialists as a sort of gratitude for this Imam and a trial to do a good step for the prophet’s Sunnah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and for the purpose to publish part of the heritage of this nation.

Research Subject: Editing and doing an explanation for an amorous poem in the science of hadith


  1. Verifying and presenting the manuscript in a way that reflects what the author and the explainer want.
  2. Introducing the author and the explainer, especially as they do not have detailed accounts in the books of biography.

3- Presenting the types of Hadith science that have been included by the composer and explained by the explainer.

4- Recognizing the narration methods and performing style that the explainer mentioned.

Used Approach: Analytical induction

Significant Results:

Hadith science is collective to all different schools of jurisprudence. The composer Al-'Adawi is Maliki and the commentator Ibn Suwaidan is Shafi’I; the composer composed 14 amorous stanzas in 37 types of Hadith, and the commentator added 20 types to them, so the total of what the manuscript contained is 51 types.

Significant Recommendations:

More attention to be given to  the nation's heritage; studying  manuscripts and verifying them by specialists, for enriching the modern library and for caring for those who spend their lives to serve science and who are not mentioned in the biographies. This is besides attending to creativity in presenting the information as has been done by the composer in the love poem where he has used more than one science to convey (Hadith Science) to the people. In fact, this is one of the arts of teaching.

Author Biography

Dr. Abrar bint Fahd bin Mohammed Al-Qasim, Assistant Professor at the Islamic Dept., Shaqra University (Saudi Arabia)

Doi: 10.52840/1965-010-004-007

شرح عبد الله بن علي بن سويدان الدَّمَلِّيجِي الشافعي(ت1234هـ) لقصيدة "شوقي وجسمي مُعْضَلٌ وصحيح" لناظمها عبد الله، الشهير بالقاضي الصَّعيدي العَدَوي المالكي(ت 1258هـ)

