Legal Purposes in Zakat


  • Saeed bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Idan Associate Professor of Fundamentals of Fiqh - Al-Baha University


: Purposes, , Legitimacy, Zakat funds, Zakat


Research topic:

The legal intentions in funds liable to pay zakat. 


Firstly: Explaining that this religion is based on consideration of welfares in all its legislations.

Secondly: Clarifying the legislative intentions according to its origin aspect.

Thirdly: Clarifying the legislative intentions according to its practical aspect on the Zakat Book, as the legislative intentions are clear in its subjects and varied topics.

Research methods:

It combines descriptive and inference approach with analytical and practical approach.

Important results:

First: proving that legislative welfares are an inherent asset of our religion, and that the properness of 'Fatwa' can only be attained through understanding and apprehending it.

Second: proving the legislator consideration of welfares in its legislations, and that the Zakat Book is the best example of this.

Third: the legislative interests' appearance in zakat is clear-cut, in their definition, conditions, those who are entitled to it, the funds allocated to it, and the time of its distribution, as well as in its other topics.


Following the same path on other worships, as people need to realize Allah's intentions of His legislations, so that they can comply in a more perfect way and strengthen their faith

مجلة ابحاث العدد الواحد والعشرون




