The Approach of the Scholar Yahya bin Al-Qasim Al-'Alawi, Known as (Al-Fadhil Al-Yemeni) (Died: 750 AH) in his Exegesis Book: “Topics on Revelation and Keys to the Doors of Interpretation”.


  • د. سعيد محمد عبد السلام ناجي الحداد
  • Nabilah 'Abdul-Qawi 'Abdoh Thabet Al-Hamyari a Researcher – Ibb University - Yemen


Yahya bin Al-Qasim bin 'Amr Al-'Alawi Al-San’ani, Approach, Topics on Revelation and Keys to the Doors of Interpretation


This research aims to introduce the author: the scholar Yahya bin Al-Qasim Al-'Alawi, known as Al-Fadhil Al-Yemeni, who died in 750 AH. It is also to highlight his scientific status, production and approach of interpretation in his book: Topics on Revelation and Keys to the Doors of Interpretation. The historical approach is used in introducing the author and the book, whereas the inductive and analytical approaches are used in explaining the author’s approach and style. An important result of the research is that the author has a scientific status due to his abundance of knowledge, strength of argument and combining Zaydi thought and Shafi’i jurisprudence. In his approach, he follows the best methods of interpretation by tradition and commendable opinion. The book contains valuable scientific material and abundant benefits that are considered as a small treasury of interpretation in general and grammatical and rhetorical issues in particular, in an easy concise manner with good pronunciation and strong phrases, which makes it suitable for professionals and other general people.

Author Biography

Nabilah 'Abdul-Qawi 'Abdoh Thabet Al-Hamyari, a Researcher – Ibb University - Yemen

Doi: 10.52840/1965-009-002-002

منهج العلامة يحيى بن القاسم العلوي المشهور بـ (الفاضل اليمني) (المتوفى سنة: 750هـ) في تفسيره "مباحث التنزيل ومفاتح أبواب التأويل"

