The research dealt with the arguments for Ibn Amer's reading of the verse of Surat Al-An'am (137


  • Dr.. Awwad bin Marzouq bin Moawad


protest, reading, Ibn Amer


The research dealt with the arguments for Ibn Amer's reading of the verse of Surat Al-An'am (137)

[وكذلك زين لكثير من المشركين قتل أولادهم وشركاؤهم]

،   and the readings contained in the verse, read Ibn Amer in the balance of workmanship scientists, and to refute the objection and response, and the bases and assets in the defense of the readings frequent.

It relied on the analytical inductive method.

It also showed important results, including:

First: Many of the later people accepted and respected the reading of Ibn Aamir, and did not criticize it or its author, in contrast to the previous ones, starting with Al-Fara’, Al-Tabari, Ibn Khalawayh, Abi Ali Al-Farisi, and others; The applicants took a strict and opposing position, as in the position of Al-Farra, who did not find a face for reading in Arabic.

Second: Those who weakened the reading or threw it with melody and error, they did so in bias towards the grammatical rule that does not allow separating the genitive and the genitive. As for the reading or the reciter, they have nothing to do with them. That is, they looked through the lens of the established grammatical assets, and not the mutawatir assets that transmitted the reading of Ibn Aamir on the authority of Salaf Salih agreed on the validity of their transmission and narration, although some of them have justified the reading that what Ibn Aamir carried on it is that he found the verse written in the Qur’anic books of the people of Syria with Ya’a (i.e.: their partners) so follow the line, which is what Ibn Khalawayh, Al-Zamakhshari, and others mentioned.

Third: The correct position is to consider with respect the opinions of the predecessors who accepted the reading and defended it, and the opinions of those who refrained from evaluating it out of embarrassment from touching it, because reading is a Sunnah that must be accepted and destined for it. They should not subject the readings to the rules and grammatical origins.

العدد الحادي عشر




