Legal nature of copyright

(A comparative study in the Yemeni and Egyptian laws)


  • Alawi Saleh Mohammed Al Alawi Associate Professor of Civil Law Dean of the College of Sharia and Law - Hodeidah University
  • Hammoud Mohammed Ismail Al-Shahdi أستاذ القانون المدني المساعد- كلية الشريعة والقانون - جامعة الحديدة


law, copyright, innovation


It is every invertor Who devised any one of the literary، Artistic or scientific works by his effort.

Regarded to the author of these works and that by.

Mentioning his name on his work or by other way.

It is more important to consider the subject of anther's protection that strongly poses itself in political economic and legal arena.

The protection of innovations apparel in the Middle of the 19th century and with the appearance of the French revolution، as well as the scientific and technological progress. The important of the need of protection was information has become as a money in all field such as right، contracts and legal action. As innovations was expanding day by day.

The need of protection، after that increased and expanded in all fields of life، internal and external.

مجلة أبحاث العدد الخامس عشر




