Surah Al-Rahman (Study and Verification) From the Interpretation of Jawaami’ Al-Tibyan fi Tafseer Al-Qur’an by Mo'in Al-Din Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Iji (d. 905 AH)


  • Alsghyr أستاذ التفسير المشارك بقسم القرآن وعلومه كلية التربية، جامعة المحويت، اليمن



Surat Al-Rahman, Jawaami’ Al-Tibyan, Mo'in Al-Din Al-Iji


The aim of the research is to find out some of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an and clarify them through the interpretation of Jawaami’ Al-Tibyan, highlight the interpreters' opinions contained in the interpretation of Surat Al-Rahman, investigate the narrations related to the interpretation of the surah, and study them in a way that facilitates their understanding and apprehension of their meanings.

The researcher followed the historical descriptive approach, and the research plan required that it include two sections, a conclusion, and an index of resources and references.

The first section: included the introduction to the research, its objectives, the reasons for its selection, the hypothetical research questions, the research plan, the research and investigation methodology, as well as samples from the two manuscripts (original + B). The first section concluded with a brief biography of the interpreter Mo'in Al-Din Al-Iji. The second section included a verification of Surat Al-Rahman, according to scientific steps followed by verifiers and researchers, and the conclusion included the most important results and recommendations, which are:

First: Results:  The most important results are the following:

  • The extent of the ability of the interpreter Mo'in Al-Din Al-Iji - may God have mercy on him - to collect the sayings of scholars and interpreters preceding him and to present them in a scientific and convincing manner.
  • Al-Iji - may God have mercy on him - transmitted a lot from Abu Hayyan, the author of Al-Bahr Al-Muhit.
  • His interpretation of Surah Al-Rahman in Jawaami’ Al-Tibyan embraces many sciences other than interpretation, such as hadith, grammar, morphology, rhetoric, and others.

Second: Recommendations:

The researcher recommends the following:

  • To follow up on the remainder of the manuscript to complete the interpretation, especially since only a little remains.
  • That scholars and specialists take care to verify the Islamic heritage and present it in a useful scientific form.

