Imam Al-Nawawi’s saying: Whatever Abu Dawud is silent about is good (A recent study in his two books، Al-Kholasah and Al-Majmua، between the theoretical aspect and practical application)


  • Dr. Hamed Ahmed Yahya Ali Salah Professor of Hadith and its Sciences – Assistant-National University – Sanaa-College of Arts and Human Sciences - Department of Islamic Studies Republic of Yemen


Al-Nawawi, Scott, Abu Dawoud, Hassan


This research is a fundamental study of an issue of the hadith industry according to Imam Al-Nawawi - may God Almighty have mercy on him - which is what is famous among scholars and students of knowledge as “improving it absolutely - when Abu Dawud was silent about it in his Sunan and did not weaken it.” The study aimed to trace the hadiths that Al-Nawawi stated Abu Dawud’s silence about it in his two books Al-Khalasah and Al-Majmu’ and its study، and an analysis of Al-Nawawi’s vocabulary that indicates his follow-up of Abu Dawud’s silence in confirmation or denial، along with citing the words of the scholars who stipulated this issue and responding to it with what appears from the theoretical and applied study. The study concluded that Imam Al-Nawawi’s statement: What Abu Dawud remained silent about it، so it is good. A theoretical statement differs from it in the applied approach، and the hadiths that Imam al-Nawawi strengthened based on Abu Dawud’s silence were agreed upon by others، and those that he weakened and explained their reasons were agreed upon by others.

It should also be noted that the science of correction and weakening، even if it has established principles and rules; However، its applications are subject to ijtihad، just like the science of jurisprudence. Hadith scholars may differ regarding the authentication of a hadith، and the ijtihad of a single scholar may change، weakening a hadith at one time، and improving or correcting it at another time، as it has become clear that the statement that Imam al-Nawawi made it better for everything that Abu Dawud was silent about in his Sunan. ، a statement that is far-fetched and risky on the part of the early and late ones، as is clear and explained in the folds of this research، and the study recommended those interested in the science of hadith to study the methods of scholars in correcting and weakening، know the rules they followed، and not rely on the theoretical side without taking into account the applied side.

#What Abu Dawud remained silent about.

قول الإمام النووي: ما سكت عنه أبو داود فهو حسن  (دراسة حديثية في كتابيه الخلاصة والمجموع بين الجانب النظري والتطبيق العملي)

