Rules of Sharia Policy


  • Fahd Bin Saleh Alajlan Associate Professor of Fiqh, Islamic Studies Department Faculty of Education, King Saud University


Sharia policy, the principles of Sharia policy, aspects of Sharia policy, legitimacy of Sharia policy


Rules of Sharia policy” is one of the important terms in the study of Sharia policy among contemporary scholars. However, there are different opinions in defining what is meant by this rule and in its relation with some similar terms such as “the principles of Sharia policy”.

This research has proceeded to relate rules with significant or effective tools or aspects which can be relied upon in justifying work by Sharia policy. This makes it different from the principles of Sharia policy, which means the total evidence that indicates the legitimacy of working with Sharia policy.

These rules can be limited to five aspects:

- To restrict the permissible.

- To authorize the ruler to settle disputes/differences.

- To understand that the ruler's decision is for the welfare of the masses.

- To balance between the welfare and harms.

- To have the power of Obligation.

Each of these rules indicated the consideration of Sharia principles, with limits and conditions. Nevertheless, the legitimacy of Sharia policy depends on one of these five rules.

مجلة ابحاث العدد الواحد والعشرون




