Jihad Concept, Aims and Purposes Jihad Concept, Aims and Purposes in Light of Qur’anic Guidance
Jihad, concept, aims, purposes, the Qur'anAbstract
This research - entitled (Jihad Concept, Aims and Purposes in Light of Qur'anic Guidance) - sheds light on jihad in the Qur'an, in terms of concept, aims and purposes, with mentioning of the guidance related to the verses, with an objective analytical approach.
It aims to:
1- Presenting the concept of jihad and illuminating its ranks.
2- Highlighting the aims and purposes of jihad.
The research includes: an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and an index of resources and references. Among the most important results of the research:
1- Jihad is an authentic Qur’anic term, and it is commonly used in the Qur’an with two meanings: one: general, which is exerting effort to obtain the pleasure of God, by complying with His commands and avoiding His prohibitions; and the other: specific, and it refers to fighting the enemies in the cause of God, to make God’s word supreme.
2- Knowing the aims and purposes of jihad is a good aid for the believer to perform this ritual as God and His Messenger wished for.
3- The necessity of training and taking the commanded equipment and power at all levels, in faith, tools, numbers, and so on, which strengthens the position of the believers, and reinforces their reverence in the hearts of their enemies.
4- Legitimate jihad has ranks and degrees, and no one is able to do what is higher than these except for one who has tamed himself with what is below it. No one is able to confront his enemies and challenge them with the sword and the spear except for the one who has set himself up in obedience to God and His Messenger, and raised it up on strength and firmness in grasping the Book.
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