The Hadiths and Athaar Mentioned in Fainted Person prayer
hadiths, effects, prayer, the unconsciousAbstract
This research presnts a study of the Prophet's Hadiths (Sunnahs) and the impacts of sayings of the Sahaabah (companions of the prophet) and Tabee’n (followers) on the prayer of the fainted person. Does the duty of obligatory prayer still apply to him/her or not? and does s/he need to make up for the missed prayer or not?
The researcher found that the Hadith that deals with this matter, which is very clear on purpose, is very weak and it cannot be relied on. However, there are several Hadiths that indicate other aspects regarding the issue in question.
I have examined the narratives of four Sahaabah, and fourteen Tabee’n scholars on this matter. There is a disagreement among the Sahaabah and the Tabee’n, but the majority agree on not making up for the missed prayer.
As for the scholars of the four schools of jurisprudence, they also agreed on not making of the missed prayer, especially if the fainting lasted for more than a day. However, there is the exception of Imam Ahmad who insisted on the making up of the missing prayer anyways, despite the existing narrative in his sect that recommends going with the agreement of the scholars.
In my point of view, the fainted person is not required to make up for the missed prayers because of the validity of the narrative of Ibn Omar in that, the opinion of most of the Tabee’n and because it is suitable analogical reasoning and Allah (God) knows best.

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