Fractional-Step Block Method For Direct Solution Of Third Order Ordinary Differential Equations (IVPS)
power series, grid points, convergence, interpolation, collocationAbstract
This article produced a one-eight linear multi-step method for the numerical integration of third-order initial value problems (IVPs) of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The method was achieved by considering the power series polynomial as an approximate solution using the techniques of interpolation and collocation. The resulting equations were solved for the unknown parameters and substituted into the approximate solution to the problem to obtain the required discrete and additional formulas that constituted the proposed block method. Analysis of the basic properties of the method reveals that it has theoretical order five, zero stable, consistent, convergence, and absolute stability. The numerical experiment results showed that the method compares well with the three cited methods in literature and has the potential to solve non-linear third-order ODEs.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Monday Kolawole Duromola, Olusegun Akinmoladun , Damilola Kolawole

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