The Hadiths of Resorting to Prayer During Adversity: Collection and Study


  • Khathmi الأستاذ المساعد بقسم السنة وعلومها كلية الشريعة وأصول الدين بجامعة الملك خالد المملكة العربية السعودية



Hadiths, Turning, Prayer, Adversity


This research aims to collect the hadiths narrated from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about resorting to Prayer during adversity, without mentioning the hadiths about other specific conditions, as well as to clarify the degree of their soundness and weakness. I collected these hadiths from the authentic compilations of Sunnah that I have examined. However, in cases of multiple sources, I transcribed the text of hadith from the source with the most authentic chain of transmission and I made it as an original. Then, I verified these hadiths from their authentic sources and mentioned their degree of authenticity. I ended the research with a conclusion in which I stated a number of findings, the most significant of which is that there are five hadiths about resorting to Prayer during adversity, out of which three are authentic.

