The sons of Sharahil, the Maafariun Bright pages in the history of the judiciary in Andalusia
Banu Sharaheel, Ma'afariun, AndalusiaAbstract
The idea of this study was to try to highlight the general civilized role of the Al-Ma’afer tribe in the Maghreb and Andalusia due to the large size of this tribe in Egypt, the Maghreb and Andalusia, and the lack of studies that dealt with it, and when I set out to collect the material; I found that the role is large, multiple and complex; It requires volumes for the flags of this Yemeni tribe, so I decided to be satisfied with the flags of the judges from them, but I also found that their numbers are too large in the Maghreb and Andalusia. A limited academic research cannot afford to give them their right, whether in Morocco alone or Andalusia as well. Above those numbers, we find that most sources add to them the flags of the Yemeni tribe (Sha’ban), so they remember: (So and so, al-Ma’afiri al-Sha’bani), which apparently occurred because of Sha’ban’s proximity to al-Ma’afari in Egypt, so their lineage was mixed, and when they moved to Morocco and Andalusia, that confusion continued, and this requires caution from The researcher is to verify the validity of the Ma'afari lineage and that it is not in Shaabani.

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