Understanding the initial symbolic acronyms in contemporary Arabic structures


  • Dr.. Ahmed Lotf Abdullah Qaed Al-Braihi أستاذ اللغة والنحو المساعد في كلية التربية – النادرة - جامعة إب


The primary acronyms and written abbreviations were common in contemporary Arabic, and entered many scientific and non-scientific fields, and their sources and methods were numerous. Its different structures, and is what is being circulated today of this type of abbreviation purely influenced by foreign languages, or does it have its roots in its heritage?

The research reached a set of results that are summarized in the knowledge of the Arab heritage with abbreviations in general, with a difference in quality, some details, and a lack of comprehensiveness that characterized contemporary Arabic due to the influence of foreign languages, and it shows the amount of flexibility that contemporary Arabic has shown in absorbing early symbolic abbreviations. , with the need for more guidance and control by the linguistic academies, and what was like it.

العدد الحادي عشر




