Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The research should be in the field of human sciences.
- The research should not be published or submitted for publication in another journal.
- The research should represent a scientific addition.
- The researcher is to follow the presumed scientific research mechanisms and methods.
- Quality in idea, style, method, and scientific documentation, and without scientific and linguistic errors.
- The researcher must submit his/her CV.
- Sending the research to the journal is considered a commitment by the researcher not to publish the research in another journal.
- The researcher submits an electronic copy of the research in (Word) format, sent via e-mail to the journal at:, with: the title of the research, the name of the researcher (or researchers) in both Arabic and English, and a statement of the academic rank, current position, telephone, and e-mail.
- The researcher provides an abstract in both Arabic and English within the limits of (200) words that includes: (the research topic, its objectives, its method, the most prominent findings and recommendations, and key words of no more than five words).
- Recording sources and references in Arabic and in Latin script (Romanization of resources and references).
- Lotus Linotype font is to be used for writing in Arabic, in size (14) for the body, and in (11) for the footnotes, and (Times New Roman) font for writing in English in size (12), with titles written in bold, and for the font in tables (if found) in size (10).
- The title of the research and the researcher's data to be written in (SKR HEAD1) font.
- Footnotes are to be written at the bottom of each page with continuous numbering.
- Page layout: paper: (width: 17 cm), (height: 25 cm), margins: 2 cm from all sides except for the right margin 2.5 cm, gutter margin: zero.
- Line spacing: (single). The curated magazine template can be downloaded from the magazine website.
- Publication fees: (20,000) Yemeni riyals for Yemeni researchers.
- The research should not exceed (30) pages. If it is more than that, (1000) Yemeni riyals additional fees will be paid for each page.
- The researcher gets two hard copies of the issue in which he/she published his/her research along with an electronic transcript.
- The researcher is responsible for the validity and accuracy of the findings, data and conclusions contained in the research.
- Exchanges and gifts: Applications are to be addressed in the name of the editorial secretary.
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