Eco-Friendly Cooking Solutions: Design and Evaluation of Stoves and Briquettes Made from Coal Fines and Sawdust
Coal fines, Sawdust, Cooking stove, Briquettes, Combustion efficiency, DemineralizationAbstract
Reliance on traditional biomass and fossil fuels for cooking in developing regions poses significant environmental and health challenges. This study addresses the urgent need for sustainable and efficient cooking solutions by developing a novel cooking stove and briquettes using coal fines (CFN) and sawdust (SDT) blends. The primary objective is to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions, thereby providing a cleaner and more affordable cooking alternative. To achieve this, CFN and SDT were blended in varying ratios to produce briquettes, which were then subjected to a series of physical and chemical characterizations, including proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value determination, feedstock morphology, elemental composition analysis, functional group determination and compressive strength tests. The developed briquettes were used in a specially designed cooking stove, and the performance was evaluated based on combustion efficiency, emission levels, and thermal output. The results indicate that the optimal blend of coal fines and sawdust significantly improves the calorific value and combustion efficiency of the briquettes, while reducing harmful emissions such as carbon monoxide and particulate matter. The optimized cooking stove demonstrated superior thermal efficiency and faster cooking times compared to traditional stoves, highlighting the potential for significant fuel savings and environmental benefits. This study has far-reaching implication as it is capable of addressing deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and poor indoor air quality, thereby contributing to public health and environmental conservation.
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